No Game No Life

Just a private blog bout my hobbies ^_^

Personal opinion bout Game Online and Life


Im R, a late twenties (and handsome) officer. Just like other million officers around the world, my daily routine starts with going to work and ends up coming home late at night. Sometimes I go out with my friends and family in the weekends, but that doesnt happen everyweek. Well, I admit Im not a sport type so after half a day at work, its just too exhausted to get in mood outside. In my opinon, at the moments like this, game is a perfect choice to relax.


Games Online and different opinions

First of all, I wont explain bout the definition of Games Online (GO). We all know bout that.

I think almost parents dont like their children playing games. They think its a bad habbit, and a negative way of living, especially GO. We sometimes read unfortunate incidents on newspaper that relates to GO. Its a pity, still  cant defy GO's attraction. So we must restrain ourselves so that bad things wont happen.

On the contrary, playing GO sometimes help me rest better, and wont think bout unhappy things anymore. Its good to play game and relax, but dont be into GO too much, spend more time to train your body and go out with your family.


Which Games to play

Nowadays, the more developed technology is, the better life is. GO too, has diverse genres. Some people prefer Web games, some prefer MMORPG. (Eg. DMMs Game: Granblue Fantasy, Oshiro Project, Touken Ranbu..., Square Enix Games: Final Fantasy series, Dragon Quest, Nier Automata...). I like both, lol.

Since university, I've played a MMORPG called  Age Of Wushu, also known as Age of Wulin CN (九阴真经), one of the most beautiful graphic GO I've got to know so far. The game based on the same famous novel's name. I got new friends, new family, interesting things happened everyday. 'course its not a happy story at all. Sometimes I got mad with bad players, or the ridiculous quests are just difficult, etc...



I used to log in game everyday, as long as I had free time. But as time goes by, Im busy everyday now, cant play much as I did in the past. Still, I sometimes hang out with my friends that I met in game. We always had good time together. Its a wonderful thing, I think.

Lately, I've tried Final Fantasy 14, my most favorite series game since I was a child. Though my top one is FF10, but its old now, besides I dont own a PS. As expected from Square Enix, there is nothing I can complain so far bout the story, music nor wonderful graphics.



 After nearly 10 years, my awaited game FF15 has released last year on Nov 29th. Again, FF15 is an Offline game so its only available on PS. Anyway, its a great game that everyone who has condition should try to play, I think.




Since I've got more busy, I couldnt play GO much. But there were ones I still prefer and spend time to play when I got home from work. Their DMM games. Its a pity that these are all Japanese games, and the website too, doesnt allow English using players. Most of their games are Otome Game (OG). So, what is OG?

OG is a story based video game that is targeted towards the female market. Generally one of the goals, besides the main plot goal, is to develop a romantic relationship between the female player character and one of several male or occasionally female characters. This genre is most established in Japan. (definition from wikipedia)

As for me, I've play Touken Ranbu, Icchibanketsu, Bungou to Alchemist... so far. These are completely 2D games, BUT, the designs are beautiful, thanks to hardworking artists. No wonder Japan is the country that anime, manga were born. They can turn inanimate characters into awesome guys in a very attractive way.

Touken Ranbu (刀剣乱舞)


Icchibanketsu (一血卍傑)


Bungou to Alchemist (文豪とアルケミスト




I think GO is a double edged sword. Its good and bad at the same time. So depends on your way of playing GO, it will become negative or positive. Just dont waste much time on playing game, real life is more important. Family, friends, health, love, money..., as long as you own them, its more easier to play game.

So, if you can balance your work and life, and get interest in GO, why dont you try playing once in a life? Maybe it can change your thought from then on...


I dont own any pics above. My apology for using them without permission.

This is just my opinion bout Game Online, as well as my favorite games so far.

Thanks for reading 。.・Φ(・ω・)
